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 May 15, 2020

Who would have thought back in March that we would still be communicating with you in a blog in mid-May rather than seeing you all at the dental practice! 

However, we have been keeping busy and Rob has been keeping his dentistry skills up with root extractions!  This was certainly a difficult one and did require a bit of surgery – tree surgery that is. 

As many of you may remember we inherited a very overgrown, ‘full of sheds full of stuff’ garden when we moved into our current house. Every year we tackle another patch to tame and sort out. This year is the front garden so with time on our hands we are making progress. The patch in this picture represent about 10% of the lawn we will need to dig and turf.  Got a long way to go! 

It has been slightly hampered by the climbing wall Ruaidhri built but recent announcements mean he may not need it for much longer as he may be able to go climbing at the coast.

On that note it would appear that dentistry, although not listed anywhere in the published guidance falls into the ‘step 3’ category when it comes to reopening - July 4th.  Obviously, this comes with all the provisos outlined by the PM but let’s hope it all works and we can get back to some semblance of normality.

As well as gardening we have been spending a lot of time on webinars and reading research papers as well as seeking expert advice on how to move forward after this.  We hope to have formulated a more definitive plan soon and will communicate this to you over the next few weeks.  There is no doubt that every walk of life, including your dental appointment, will be a little bit different moving forward.

Keep safe, stay alert and keep an eye out for our emails.

Gentle Dental Blog