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 Mar 26, 2020

Thank you all for the good wishes you have sent in response to the temporary closure of the practice. The entire team really appreciate them.

Helping during COVID-19It is a strange time, surreal even.  In the future the younger generations will tell their children and grandchildren about the time the world closed down. Hopefully we can make sure the stories and memories that get passed on are positive. So, make memories with your families, even from a distance with video messaging, a phone call or letters that you can laugh about together when this is all over.

Help where you can. The biggest thing we can all do right now is stay home to keep each other safe. There are some things we can do to help no matter how small.

A team of UK researchers have designed an app for your phone to track Coronavirus and to better understand the symptoms along with how the virus is spreading. This amazing research app is so important as it is real live data, the speed at which this data can be received will hopefully help with controlling the spread.  It is really simple. All you have to do is download it and complete it daily. The first time you log in it takes a few minutes or so to input your data. After that it takes 1 minute to self-report daily.  Anybody can take part, even if you are well. If you can please help click here and follow the instructions.

I am sure many of you have already but if you haven't put a note through your neighbours’ door to see if you can collect shopping or medication so we can help protect the vulnerable.

If you are able, perhaps look and see if you can volunteer. Please click here for the volunteer service for the NHS during the outbreak.   

We will email to publicise anything else we feel is important to let everyone know so keep an eye for updates on this page.

Keep well, live and love. 

Gentle Dental Blog